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Tips for TEFL Teachers: 4 Ways to Set Yourself Apart as an English Teacher

Posted on 13th September 2024

In a world where teaching English as a second language is becoming increasingly crucial, standing out, as an English teacher can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavour. Whether you aspire to teach in an international classroom or prefer online platforms, differentiating yourself is essential.

Schools and companies are seeking exceptional teachers who can contribute unique skills and approaches. To help you navigate this competitive landscape, we've outlined four effective ways to raise your profile and set yourself apart as an English educator.

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1. Choose Advanced-Level Certifications

In a competitive environment like English teaching, obtaining advanced-level certifications is a sure way to stand out. By pursuing the most advanced TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certifications available, you'll show potential employers your commitment to high-quality education and strong teaching skills.

One of the available outstanding options is the Asian College of Teachers’ 400-hour International Post Graduate Diploma in TEFL. This accredited certification with the latest curriculum will allow you to pursue it from any part of the world, ensuring that you gain well-rounded skills.

What makes advanced certification even more attractive is the opportunity it offers for phenomenal professional growth. This certification will not only enhance your resume but can also count as a stepping stone toward securing a TEFL teaching job with a good salary package. In such a competitive job market, showcasing this level of dedication to your professional development can significantly elevate your status as an English teacher.

2. Prioritize Professional Development

As an English teacher, staying current and continually improving your skills is essential to standing out in a competitive field. Prioritizing professional development not only enhances your teaching capabilities but also signals to employers and students your commitment to excellence. Here are some effective ways to focus on professional development:

- Attend TEFL/TESOL Webinars: Participating in webinars offers insights into the latest industry trends and developments. You will get to learn the latest teaching methodologies and utilize 21st-century teaching tools. By engaging in these webinars, you not only expand your knowledge but can also earn certificates of professional development, which are attractive to potential employers.

- Acquire Specialized Certifications: Having specialized TEFL/TESOL certifications sets you apart when applying for jobs. These certifications target specific teaching skills or populations, such as a Specialized Certificate in Teaching Young Learners or in Teaching English Online. Tailoring your certifications to the job you're applying for demonstrates that your skills align with the employer's needs.

- Explore Micro-Credential Courses: These short courses focus on specific teaching techniques or subjects, such as using podcasts in teaching or conducting online classroom games. They are a great way to gain new skills without significant time commitment and can be chosen based on your interests.

Learn, how to prepare a professional CV for teaching English abroad, here:

3. Choose a TEFL/TESOL Niche

Selecting a specialized area within TEFL/TESOL can significantly enhance your value as an educator. Focusing on a niche not only makes you more attractive to employers with specific needs but can also elevate your profile in ESL marketplaces where unique expertise is sought after. Here’s how choosing a niche can benefit you:

- Teach Business English: Specializing in Business English can attract professionals or companies looking to enhance their language skills for workplace communication. This niche is in high demand and often comes with competitive pay.

-Teach Young Learners: If you like the idea of teaching English to young learners, then it is a dynamic and fulfilling calling that involves shaping foundational language skills through creativity and engagement. At this age, children are highly receptive and eager to explore new concepts, making it crucial for educators to create a vibrant, interactive learning environment. Utilizing games, songs, and visual aids can make language acquisition both fun and effective.

- Teach Teaching Teenagers: Some teachers find their calling working with teenager students. If you are passionate about connecting and teaching teenagers, honing your skills in this demographic can lead to fulfilling career opportunities.

-Teach Adult Learners: If you prefer to teach English to adult learners, then it’s a rewarding challenge that requires a tailored approach to meet their diverse needs and goals. Unlike younger students, adults often come with specific motivations whether for career advancement, personal enrichment, or travel.

Choosing a niche allows you to reduce lesson preparation time since you can develop expertise in specific subject matters. Moreover, it can increase your earning potential as a specialist. This targeted approach ensures your teaching methods and content are deeply relevant to your chosen audience, marking you as an expert in your field.

4. Gain Relevant Experience

Gaining relevant teaching experience is crucial when trying to distinguish yourself as an English teacher in a competitive field. Experience not only broadens your teaching skills but also enhances your resume, making you a more attractive candidate to employers. Here are some effective ways to gain the experience you need:

- Participate in a Guided Teaching Practicum: This program offers invaluable hands-on experience by allowing you to teach real English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes. You'll also observe other experienced teachers in action, providing insight into effective teaching strategies and classroom management.

If you focus on online teaching, consider a Practicum designed for Teaching English Online, which includes creating a portfolio of recorded classes. This portfolio can be a critical asset when showcasing your teaching abilities to potential employers or students.

- Look for Private Students: Connect with learners looking to improve their English skills by joining relevant social media groups. Engaging with these communities not only increases your network but also gives you the chance to practice teaching in a less formal setting.

- Volunteer Teaching: Offer your teaching services at local shelters, refugee centers, or churches. Volunteering is an excellent way to gain practical experience while making a difference in your community. Additionally, it reflects positively on you as someone dedicated to teaching and helping others.

Building a solid foundation of teaching experience opens doors to more opportunities and sets you apart in the English education field.

Set Yourself Apart From Other English Teachers

Setting yourself apart as an English teacher requires a commitment to continuous learning and professional growth. By pursuing advanced TEFL/TESOL certifications like 400 hours International Post Graduate Diploma in TEFL, you can demonstrate to employers that you're equipped with comprehensive training tailored to meet the dynamic needs of global education.

Highlighting your professional development through webinars and specialized courses not only keeps you informed about the latest industry trends but also showcases your dedication to educational excellence. Choosing a niche in TEFL/TESOL can increase your employability and possibly your earnings as a specialist.

By implementing these strategies, you enhance your profile as an English teacher, making yourself a standout candidate in competitive job markets.

Now, it's time to take these steps, refine your resume, and approach job applications with a newfound edge.

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Written By : Abhishek

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