Premium TEFL in class program in Goa
If you are planning to travel around the world and at the same time earn a living, or looking for a career change, then enrolling in a 3 week on site TEFL course here in the sun soaked Goa is the apt decision for you to make. A laid-back or "susegaad" lifestyle of the Goans will definitely be a pleasant break from the hurried city life where all are slaves of time and money.
Pursuing a TEFL course here, in the city of beaches, will definitely turn out to be enjoyable and pleasant experience for you. The course will provide you with a thorough grounding in English language teaching techniques through a combination of instruction, observation and real teaching practice, and develops the natural ability to teach others in a fun, interesting and stress-free environment.It also works at transforming the persona of a teacher – builds confidence and polishes the teacher’s presence in classroom. Hence enrolling in the TEFL Course in Goa will also let you soak up the vibe of the place, besides attending our training classes and preparing yourself for an enriching life ahead.
TEFL in Goa: Course Overview
While undertaking the TEFL course in Goa, you learn about the various modern teaching techniques on one hand and on the other, you also get to imbibe the spirit of Goa as you take a tour of the place and satiate your wanderlust as well as your taste buds with its mouth-watering sea food. A 3 weeks TEFL course includes the lesson plans and uses techniques that are applicable at all levels of language learning and for all ages - young learners to adults.The course also provides the candidates with all the necessary skills and training, including practical sessions, necessary to be an effective teacher and to find a suitable position in the education sector.
Fee for Live Online
Total Course Fee - 500 USD | 400 GBP | 17200 THB
Dates for Live Online Sessions
Weekday Classes: 14th April - 29th May 2025
Weekend Classes: 15th March - 14th June 2025
Teaching Practice in Goa
The TEFL course program at ACT includes practicum and observation hours. Hence, it provides the candidates with hands-on teaching practice at local schools where they get to implement the methodologies and techniques that are being taught to them in our training classes. This increases their observation capability and makes them confident on the usage of various techniques to be put to use while conducting classes and handling students of various age groups and make them more skilled and confident by the time they are employed.
In the case of out station candidates, the accommodation facility can be given by ACT for a minimum amount to be paid separately. This facility will be given according to your preference, i.e. either private or shared, with both AC and non AC options. The apartments allocated are all located at a short distance from the institute.
Jobs for ESL teachers in Goa
There are so many opportunities for teaching English both at home and abroad. There are countless TESOL employment opportunities that appear every day. These are English language teaching jobs from all over the world. There is a huge variety in the kind of schools looking for TESOL certified teachers all with their own requirements. If you are looking to chill down, relax and enjoy life to the maximum, besides earning your livelihood, then starting your TEFL career in Goa will be the best choice. You may decide to move out of the country after gaining some experience in your native place or else straight away look for a relevant job abroad, where opportunities are aplenty.